Friday, August 1, 2014

Coming Up For Air

Writing, writing, writing
then coming up for air. Just for a moment. Taste the real world....walk Geronimo and buy lunch at the Lotus Pepper, a Vietnamese truck that makes a killer salad with pork. Pick up some wine and head home....

I know the way to succeed in our craft - write, write, then write some more. It does, however behoove us to drink in a little life. Real life. The stuff that happens 'out there' and not in our heads. On my foray today I took a pic of a tree. Not a remarkable tree, but it had the most amazing bark, peeling like puzzle shapes and that fired a writing shit-storm in my head.

Ok, no lectures. Not from me. Just keep writing. And on occasion, sip a bit of the real stuff. Just a bit.

Love, Rey