Sunday, January 22, 2012

Without letting the dust settle, I am preparing to launch book 2: Dead Batteries. This is the fun part, aside from the actual writing! This will be a Kindle book, very affordable because not only am I a writer, I am a reader and books are often pricey. Not that I don't want to earn money from my books, I do. I don't however, want to prevent any interested readers from enjoying my work.

Huge thanks to my readers thus far who have purchased Strange Fruit. My deep appreciation goes out to all. Keep writing, keep reading, stay curious.

Love Rey

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Happy New Year! My debut novel is available for pre-order on I would love for two things to happen now: first, I'd like my writing partners and I to expand our group and make regular meeting times and second, I'd like to hear from others thier experiences with first books (published or not, makes not a difference!).

Okay, there's a third thing I'd like: I'd like to touch a reader...just one will do. And now I'll have my chance!

Keep writing!
Love, Rey

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


2012 is off to a great start! Strange Fruit is available mid-January and the holidays are over (sighs with relief).

I'd love to convene a writing group - my New Year's Resolution - comprised of women who read, write and generally salivate over a really good horror story. I do love ghosts, deep, dark characters, a story that leads me by the nose like a hooked trout... I do NOT love slasher, needless gore (blood and guts are totally awesome if they bring the story forward!) and other shocker tactics designed, well, to shock. I like to have a suck-your-breath-in moment but please let it mean something within and for the story.

Ok, off my soapbox now. Happy Frakin New Year!!!!

Keep writing - Rey